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Jumbo Magnetic Bar Models - 70 Pieces

Jumbo Magnetic Bar Models - 70 Pieces


Item # 520807
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 1-12
Web Price $34.95


A great complement to EAI® Education Bar Models, Jumbo Magnetic Bar Models allow teachers to demonstrate the use of Bar Models (also known as strip diagrams), in the classroom on any magnetic surface.

Each set of Jumbo Magnetic Bar Models features 70 vibrantly colored, dry-erase pieces in 12 different lengths, ranging from 2.5cm - 30cm and measure 5cm high (proportionally matching the student sets). Includes 18 red, 10 orange, 6 yellow, 4 light green, 4 green, 4 pink, 4 light purple, 4 purple, 4 light blue, 4 blue, 4 tan, and 4 gray pieces. Set of 70 pieces.


  • Type: Manipulatives
  • ISBN/UPC 841971113869


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