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Original Krypto

Original Krypto


Item # 520120
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 3-12
Web Price $10.49


The proven fun with numbers game that reinforces basic math skills. The goal of each player is to use the numbers on each card in his hand to equal the common objective or Krypto card by simple addition, subtraction, division and multiplication and any combinations thereof. Each card must be used once, and once only. The first player to use his five cards to match the objective card declares "Krypto". Includes 56 cards all marked differently from 1 to 25, 1 score pad, rules and instructions on how to play.


  • Type: Games & Puzzles


    Customer Reviews/Tips

    This was my favorite game as a child. It's hard to believe that a game started as a challenge to a bored husband in Iowa could become something so widely enjoyed everywhere.
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    people in america need to learn how to play this game hrs. of enjoyment and brain builder
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    Dear previous commentor. I am overjoyed to inform you that Krypto has in fact reached the shores of the United States of America. We too enjoy brain building and I challenge you to the ultimate game of Krypto, America versus the world, played to the death. If you do not respond I take it as a sign of cowardice. Sincerely, Your fellow homosapien, sapien.
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