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180 Days of Problem Solving for Sixth Grade

180 Days of Problem Solving for Sixth Grade


Item # 504730
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 6
Web Price $21.49


180 Days of Problem Solving for Grade 6 offers daily problem solving practice geared towards developing the critical thinking skills needed to approach complex problems. This teacher-friendly resource provides thematic units that connect to a standards-based skill that sixth grade students are expected to know to advance to the next level.

Lesson plans offer guidance and support for every day of the week, outlining strategies and activities that dig deeper than routine word problems. Each week students will use visual representations and analyze different types of word problems (including non-routine, multi-step, higher thinking problems).

This comprehensive resource builds critical thinking skills and connects to national and state standards. 208 pages.


  • Type: Resource Books
  • ISBN/UPC 9781425816186
  • Author: Stacy Monsman
  • Format: Softcover


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