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Place Value to Millions/Decimal Flip Chart: Student Set of 10

Place Value to Millions/Decimal Flip Chart: Student Set of 10


Item # 520644
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 3-6
Web Price $49.95


Two flip charts in one! These student-sized flip charts feature 7-digit place value (ones to millions) on one side, and 7-digit place value and decimals (thousandths to thousands) on the other. Each student flip chart measures 3 1/2"L × 11"W, and lays flat on students' desks. The flip charts include one set of 40 task cards that can be used to facilitate a game or quick review of the concepts covered. Task cards are aligned to CCSS. Colors coordinate to match our EAI Place Value Strips, Place Value Expanded Notation Strips, QuietShape Place Value Disks, and Place Value Fluency Mats. Cards measure 2"W × 3"L. Set of 10 flip charts.


  • Type: Manipulatives
  • ISBN/UPC 841971110028


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