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Coding Careers for Tomorrow - Set of 6

Coding Careers for Tomorrow - Set of 6


Item # 351955
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 7-12
Web Price $93.95


This collection focuses on the importance of coding to current and emerging careers. Each volume explores jobs and career paths that currently exist, traditional roles that future technologies may displace, and the coding driving those transformations. Each book assesses evolving job markets and coding's influence on society and the economy. This set addresses the challenges and benefits facing diverse industries and individuals within them. It looks at technologies in use today and in development for the future. Readers learn about opportunities to get involved and ways the applications of coding will continue to expand.

This set especially focuses on emerging technologies related to specific coding career fields while stressing the importance of early involvement to ensure success in the workforce tomorrow. Features include: Short, aspirational biographies that focus on people in the industry today and their experiences within it. Compelling sidebars explore fascinating aspects related to coding careers. Content that encourages students to think creatively and critically about their place in a digital society. Incorporates aspects of STEM and ISTE standards. Set of 6. 80 pages each.


  • Type: Resource Books
  • ISBN/UPC 9781502647801
  • Format: Softcover


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