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Math and Literature: Geometry Set

Math and Literature: Geometry Set


Item # 534694
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): K-6
Web Price $112.95


This set of geometry-themed books includes:
Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, and Spheres
Cut Down To Size At High Noon
Grandfather Tang's Story
The Greedy Triangle
Math is CATegorical®: Windows, Rings, and Grapes - A Look at Different Shapes
MathStart® Level 2: Captain Invincible and the Space Shapes - 3D
Pythagoras and the Ratios
Shape Up! Fun with Triangles and Other Polygons
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All!
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras?
Zachary Zormer Shape Transformer

Starring Shapes!. Shapes in Math, Science and Nature: Squares, Triangles and Circles is no longer available.

If a book becomes unavailable at any time, one of similar subject matter will be substituted, or the price will be adjusted.


  • Type: Books


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