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Math and Literature: Number Sense Set

Math and Literature: Number Sense Set


Item # 534608
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): K-5
Web Price $104.95


This book set includes:

Fun with Roman Numerals: Roman numerals are everywhere: on clocks, on buildings, in books. But what do they mean and how do we use them?

Roman Numerals I to MM: Children will enjoy counting pigs while learning the Roman numeral system.

On Beyond a Million: Helps children understand our number system, and how quickly they can reach big numbers with power counting.

How Much Is A Million?: This book gives meaning to one million, one billion, and one trillion, making large numbers "real."

If You Made a Million: A magician explains about earning money, investing it, accruing dividends and interest, and watching savings grow.

Millions, Billions, & Trillions: Understanding Big Numbers.What does a million look like? A billion? A trillion? This book explains hard to visualize quantities in terms children can understand, like one million dollars could buy two full pizzas a day for more than 62 years!

How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin?: One day, Charlie's teacher brings three differently sized pumpkins to school and asks the children to guess which one contains the most seeds. After a round of guessing, they open them up and dig in to find out. Spreads of the seeds sorted by twos, fives, and tens encourage readers to count along with the students. Includes fact about pumpkins and math and science lessons.

Great Estimations: This unique book will show you how to train your eyes and your mind to make really great estimations by making estimating into a game.

Let's Estimate: Partying dinos explain estimation!

Let’s Count to 100!: 11 bright panoramas feature a delightful assortment of 100 different objects. Readers are invited to count the items and are also challenged to find specific items within the pages.

A Place For Zero: Zero is lonely in Digitaria. He can't play Addemup with the other numbers, because he has nothing to add. What's a digit to do? Join Zero as he goes on a journey to discover his place.

Place Value: As monkeys bake the biggest banana cupcake ever, they need to get the amounts in the recipe correct. Place value is the key to keeping the numbers straight. Using humorous art, easy-to-follow charts and clear explanations, this book presents the basic facts about place value while inserting some amusing monkey business

If a book becomes unavailable at any time, one of similar subject matter will be substituted, or the price will be adjusted.


  • Type: Class Resources
  • Format: Softcover


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