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Curriculum Mastery Flip Charts: Math: Grade 7

Curriculum Mastery Flip Charts: Math: Grade 7


Item # 533289
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 7
Web Price $46.95


Provide hands-on comprehensive coverage of the NCTM Focal Points. The series consists of 8 flip chart sets, each expressly developed to address the standards for its specific grade. Ten graphical templates provide a comprehensive overview of the most frequently covered topics in the NCTM focal points. Side 1 features a colorful, graphic overview of the topic while side 2 serves as a "write-on/wipe-off" activity chart featuring questions, labeling exercises, vocabulary review and more! Each 12" x 18" chart is spiral-bound on a durable, free-standing easel. Activity guide features copy-masters and exercises. Graphing & Displaying Data; Equations & Inequalities; Exponents, Factors & Fractions; Geometric Proportions; Finding Volume; Applying Percents; Plane Figures: Lines & Angles; The Pythagorean Theorem; Introduction to Functions; Nonlinear Functions & Set Theory.


  • Type: Class Resources


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