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Developing Fractions Sense C: Class Set of 30, Grade 5

Developing Fractions Sense C: Class Set of 30, Grade 5


Item # 505250
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 5
Web Price $173.95


Includes thirty (30) Developing Fractions Sense Student Workbook C, thirty sets of plastic fraction blocks and the Developing Fractions Sense Teacher Set C, which includes the Instructional Hints & Answer Key booklet.

The Developing Fractions Sense Student Workbook C has 46 lessons, some very short, focusing on the 5th-grade fractions standards, and three enrichment lessons on dividing a mixed fraction by a unit fraction. Problems are solved using the fraction blocks before they are solved using arithmetical methods. Particular focus on fraction multiplication.


  • Type: Manipulatives


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