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Solving for Why: Understanding, Assessing, and Teaching Students Who Struggle with Math, Gr. K-8

Solving for Why: Understanding, Assessing, and Teaching Students Who Struggle with Math, Gr. K-8


Item # 502703
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Recommended Grade(s): K-8
Web Price $39.95


Get the tools and guidance essential for successfully solving for why students struggle with mathematics. The step-by-step, RTI (Response to Intervention) - like approaches, focused on assessment and communication with students, help teachers gain insight into student understanding in a remarkably different way than recipe-type approaches that assume the same solution applies to learners with similar struggles.

With Solving for Why you’ll learn how to: identify a struggling math learner; develop theories for why a learner may be struggling; facilitate a Concrete—Representational—Abstract (CRA) Assessment; implement an insightful Collaborative Study; conduct powerful student interviews; support learners who struggle with memory challenges, attention deficit disorder, and affective difficulties (math anxiety); differentiate instruction through a main lesson—menu lesson plan, and more. 256 pages.


  • Type: Resource Books
  • ISBN/UPC 9781935099338
  • Author: John Tapper
  • Format: Softcover


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