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Station Activities for Common Core Mathematics: Grade 7

Station Activities for Common Core Mathematics: Grade 7


Item # 502559
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): 7
Web Price $39.95


Station Activities for Common Core Mathematics contains a total of 21 sets of activities for the five strands: Ratios and Proportional Relationships; the Number System; Expressions and Equations; Geometry; and Statistics and Probability. The activities consist of four different stations where students work in small groups, moving from station to station once their activities are complete.

Station-based activities give students multiple opportunities to develop their understanding. At the same time, they give teachers the chance to circulate, do informal assessments, and provide individual or small-group instruction as needed.

Correlated to Common Core Standards for Mathematics, complementing any math program. Uses readily available materials and manipulatives (not included). Includes teacher support with discussion guides, answer keys, and material lists. 150 pages.


  • Type: Resource Books
  • ISBN/UPC 9780825174254
  • Format: Softcover


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