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Cubelets® Bluetooth Hat

Cubelets®  Bluetooth Hat


Item # 351757
Average Rating:
Recommended Grade(s): K-12
Web Price $43.00


The Bluetooth Hat is your gateway to doing more with Cubelets robot blocks. Connect your robots with free apps to change what your Cubelets can do. Swap Cubelet behaviors with Personality Swap – or create your own with Blockly and C coding. The Bluetooth Hat turns every Cubelet into something new.

The Bluetooth Hat is the key to getting more out of your Cubelets robot blocks. It provides a fast, easy connection between Cubelets robot constructions and free Cubelets software. Use the Cubelets App to create remote control constructions, or Cubelets Console to visualize data, swap Personalities, and code new Personalities for your Cubelets.


  • Type: Class Resources
  • ISBN/UPC 855165004574


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